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Writer's pictureKirsty Sweeting

Fight fire with...well, water! Melt anxiety away, drown your sorrows, freeze your fears, go with....

the flow, ok ill stop with the puns. So i mentioned this very briefly in my book ( but thought id elaborate some more. As someone who suffers from anxiety, i like to help others with similar struggles where i can. I am in a great place right now, but a few months back not so much. If some of my experiences help one single person then its worth me sitting here writing this! Water. We cant live without it. Now personally one of the most frustrating things about living with anxiety is being misunderstood or having the diagnosis downplayed by those close that don't understand. Don't get me wrong i do not expect them too. BUT when i am mid panic attack, convinced i am actually dying, cant breath or see or move and my gorgeous partner of nearly 14 years (omg!) tells me to 'drink some water you will feel better' (really?!) bless his heart ... i tell ya, i could honestly drown him in said water. Lucky for him i cant get off the floor to do so. Disclaimer...This isn't where i am going with this btw...don't drown people please. The truth is, water does help me somewhat (don't tell him), now i do not mean drinking it although that is good for you too and ill add some facts later on about that. I mean being in it. or next to it. or listening to it. Whats the first thing you think of when someone says go pamper yourself and relax? my first thought is a hot bath with a book. When i am anxious that doesn't help much though because brain doesn't switch off, but its a lovely, calm idea and for most people the ultimate chill time. What does help me is finding a natural water source and sitting there watching it, listening to it, breathing the fresh air and well...just being! Even if its just our garden pond, i just love the sound of the little water fall. Some people are amazing and go wild swimming! I would totally LOVE to do that but I am a wimp that gets cold easy and don't like weird things I cant see touching my toes. But how invigorating that must be!! who has got time to be worrying about pointless stuff while swimming in a cold loch?! one day I shall brave it. Until then, the local swimming pool is a great place (not now during these weird arse covid times I know). Before covid hit I was going once or twice a week and swim until my knees hurt and I couldn't stand up without looking like I was about to wee myself. Something therapeutic about talking to yourself underwater. In my head obvs, im not weird or anything. If you prefer the idea of natural water sources, but don't like just sitting there like a human hermit crab, there are lots of hobbies to be found around water like fishing (not my cuppa) , painting scenery, creature spotting, treasure (sea glass) hunting, water sports/swimming, boating, dancing around in the rain naked and of course photography. Whatever your thing is, water is accepting of you. Unless you are a litter bug. No one accepts that shit. Go find your spot and enjoy. If you live in a city and cant get anywhere nice due to restrictions or whatever have a look at getting a little water feature for in your home...some have sparkly lights even better.

Research has shown that being near, in, on or under water can lower stress, increase our sense of well-being and boost creativity. One reason probably being you wont have your smart phone in your hand draining your energy along with its battery. Get away from any stress inducing people/objects. I am not saying its a cure for all but its certainly worth a go!

Wallace j nicholls explains it well when asked is it the sound of water what calms us? ''Water provides semi-structured white noise. Either water lapping a boat or the sound of waves on a beach or the gurgling of a creek. The noise has some regularity, some irregularity. It doesn’t demand your attention. It’s not carrying information. But it holds your attention. Psychologists call it soft fascination. That creates a bubble of solitude and privacy surrounding you or you and someone you’re with. You can hear yourself think. If you’re actually in the water, you have a whole other level of comfort or support. You’re not dealing with gravity. Your brain is not coordinating 200 muscles to allow you to stand or sit.''

Benefits of drinking water:

may improve memory and mood

can help reduce sugar cravings and aid weight maintenance

may improve exercise performance

may reduce headaches and migraines

can help prevent constipation in children and adults

help to prevent kidney stones

help reduce the risk of bladder infections

It may help to manage anxiety

How much water should we drink a day? The NHS recommends consuming 6-8 glasses or cups a day, and it also includes lower fat milks, and low sugar or sugar-free drinks, tea and coffee within this intake

Photo is of my 9 year old daughter last year, shes fearless and apparently cold proof. Swimming in the sea at Kirkcudbright, Dumfries and Galloway.

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1 Comment

Vivien Friend
Vivien Friend
Feb 11, 2021

Not sure if this will come up on the right one Im rubbish at this comments lark ! for Fire with Water...... Kirsty this I must admit is absolutely excellent and I do hope that those that could do with this help read it. I have suffered myself so do understand the problems it can cause. and Yep Water........ it works..... Thank you for this and I shall be sharing around.... Awesome piece..

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