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Writer's pictureKirsty Sweeting

First blog here we go.....

Updated: Jan 25, 2021

Hey, Kirsty here, So I made this website during the first Corona virus lock down in march 2020. The month I decided photography will be more than just a hobby for me. This website is a place to showcase my photos and it was always a goal of mine to start a blog, so here I am, although I realize not many will see it at this point I need to start somewhere! I will write about various topics, I am thinking red squirrels next, also may share some poetry, but this time is about moi. Those of you that know me or have read my book will know I 'suffer from' anxiety. (I hate saying that out loud) but truth is anxiety does make me suffer...from sickness, headaches, endless thoughts, lack of appetite/sleep, incapable of decision making etc I also hate the term 'poor mental health' but unfortunately it is what it is and in these times people seem to love a label and apparently that is mine. Whoop. Go me. An avid fan of sarcasm and profanity I tend to make light of my feelings of impending doom. Because if we cant laugh at ourselves we truly are f*cked. I imagine you are thinking 'What does all this have to do with photography?'. Nothing at all whatsoever. BUT my camera ...the lifelong interest iv had of capturing moments in time...has kept me sane. Well OK, that may debatable. It has kept me on track. It has given me goals and ambition. I have sold prints and books since last year and am grateful for every single sale, to know people have photos I have taken on their walls is an amazing feeling and makes me know I am on the right path. Yes of course my children are my number one priority and love in life, but any mum's reading this will understand, I also need to be ME. So here I am, its now January 2021, I am homeschooling again in another lock down after having a tough few months, riddled with anxiety, yet following my dreams at the same time! If I can so can you. Lets do this !

2 commentaires

Kirsty Sweeting
Kirsty Sweeting
14 janv. 2021

Thankyou! much appreciated. Researching ready for next weeks


Vivien Friend
Vivien Friend
13 janv. 2021

Wicked... love that Kirsty, and yep Blog away, its always interesting to find out thoughts on projects so I shall be watching out for your next one

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